About StarlightWelcome to the extraordinary world of Starlight and her best friend, Bridget Bantam! These enchanting beings hail from a distant star and together they are the Guardians of Earth, on a special mission to "Restore Peace on Earth and ensure Freedom for all Magical Creatures." But they need your help! Join Starlight and Bridget on on their exciting quests to remind people of Earth of the magic that resides within each of us, including you!
Lisa says ...
"When I share Starlight with the children I teach, no matter how unruly the classroom, by the time I am at Page 3 ... you can hear a feather drop ... as every little soul before me settles into the wonder and magic that is Starlight. She is a vibe!"
About LisaLisa is a dedicated children’s author with over 30 years of experience as a primary school teacher, specializing in creating imaginative spaces for young minds. With a rich background in mainstream Australian schools and Rudolf Steiner education in New Zealand, Lisa has always been passionate about fostering creativity and inner magic in children. Inspired by her own children and grandchildren, she has made it her mission to craft enchanting spaces within her books where children can reconnect with their imagination and appreciate the beauty of the world around them. Just like her characters, Starlight and Bridget Bantam, Lisa seeks to provide a sanctuary for children to explore their inner magic and enjoy the wonder of childhood.
Inspirations for Starlight and Bridget BantamIt is in the miraculous moments of travelling to sacred sites & far away lands with a spiritual intent that transports one's imagination into other worlds. Scaffold these imaginings with some creative guidance bringing dreams into focus, then ground this combination with 1 tropical island, 1 son with a bantam obsession and voila -Starlight and Bridget are created. As Starlight says ... Come with me! Take my hand, I'll lead you to my Wonderland.