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shift your being (& your space) from density to light with Cosmic Life Force Energy

Cosmic Life Force Energy system (a.k.a CLFE), is a comprehensive energy system gifted to founder and director Anna Bluestar after years of dedicated spiritual work, in answer to a heartfelt prayer. To read Anna's in depth description of her work go to

Click here to read my personal testimonial.

I have been consulting with Anna and working under her expert and experienced guidance since 2009.  To date I am the only person who has completed the 1:1 CLFE System Facilitator Training. From 2019-2022 I lived in New Zealand and was so blessed to live beside Anna as neighbours. Through long walks in the Abel Tasman National Park or 1:1 sessions my spiritual work deepened and I completed my CLFE training. 

What is Cosmic Life Force Energy?

Cosmic Life Force Energy exists within, and animates, ALL life. This is why CLFE is also completely safe for the elderly, children and pets also. Vibrant CLFE shifts your being from density to light. It is a healing and rejuvenating energy system that already dwells within you! However, sometimes it doesn’t always flow at a healthy rate and this is why we offer CLFE  Healing. 

This healing and harmonising modality comes straight from the source of all life to boost your own ability to absorb and sustain higher levels of light quotient, therefore assisting deep cellular healing, increased energy levels and productivity. CLFE harmonises, balances and restores all levels of your being to its optimum level of functioning.

One of the wonderful functionalities of this energy healing system is that your session can be facilitated via distance. While you relax in your own space and lie down for an hour, I will facilitate the healing remotely. There is nothing you need to do but let go, lay back and receive a divine flow of CLFE into and through all levels of your being. These levels include your body, mind, emotions and soul. 


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